
We are always looking for volunteers for the Vlaardingse Viking. The tournament means nothing without you!

Would you like to become a volunteer at the Vlaardingse Viking?

We are looking for volunteers for the kubb tournament the Vlaardingen Viking.

The days we ask volunteers for include at least:

  • for the whole day (07:30-18:00) on the Saturday of the tournament
  • preparing for the festival, the Friday before
  • possibly at training sessions prior to the tournament on Wednesdays.

In consultation, we can see whether you are only present for part of the day. As a game supervisor, for example, you ensure that the games and party tents are placed and cleaned up, and that there are the right number of tables and benches at various locations at the tournament.

We ask for enthusiastic volunteers who want to be outside all day long and know how to tackle things and want to ensure that a great tournament is put on. Many hands make light work!

We offer our volunteers free food and drinks, 6 kubb master classes, of course our eternal gratitude and an experience you will never forget!

Social work placement

We also think it is a valuable experience for a social work placement because you have to deal with preparing the event, guiding people during the event and breaking it down again; so you can see within a short period what you are doing the work for.

Signing up and more information

If you have any questions about becoming a volunteer or would like to register as a volunteer immediately, you can use the form below. Otherwise you can always email vrijwilligers@troje.nu or call 06-14434134.

Volunteer registration/info form
